NexGen Committee Interview
Brian Davis, Partner, Melick & Porter, LLP
- If you could give your 25-year-old self a piece of advice, what would it be? Meet as many people in the industry as you can, and stay patient in cultivating relationships.
- If you could have any superpower, what would it be and why? Mind-reader. Would be very helpful in our profession!
- What has been your most notable career accomplishment so far? The multiple jury trials I’ve been a part of.
- What is a secret skill/talent you have? Above average ping-pong player.
- What is the biggest goal you have for yourself in the next five years? Continue to grow within my firm and develop new client relationships.
- What is the biggest value you receive from being a member of Themis? The relationships I have with Themis colleagues and insights learned from them.
- What is your favorite event Themis hosts? Include info about a specific year if you’d like. Mock Trial is always fun. I haven’t attended the annual yet but heard great things!
- What is your favorite thing to do outside of work? Spending time with my family, golf, beer league hockey, skiing.
- What made you want to pursue a career in the legal field? Enjoy reading/writing and competing against another side that is inherent in litigation.
- What piece of advice would you offer young lawyers wanting to advance in their careers? Work hard, become an expert in one or two practice areas and gain the trust of your superiors and clients.
- What piece of advice would you offer young lawyers wanting to get involved in Themis? Attend Next Gen events!
- When did you get involved with Themis? 2020
- Where did you go to college and law school? Stonehill College (undergrad) New England Law Boston (law school)
- Who do you look up to the most and why? My father for his commitment to family, his work ethic and the respect he shows to everyone he comes across.
- Why did you get involved with Themis? Themis provided me an opportunity to learn from and collaborate with some of the sharpest civil litigators in the country.